Short Stories
available online
Beneath the aspen tree, Stone of Madness Press
Bluidy Fingers, Stone of Madness Press
This is Not a Pencil Box, Fictive Dream
available in print only
A Cradle the Shape & Colour of a Walnut, Seaborne Magazine
The Sea Witch, Bloodbath Literary Zine
The Little Girl and the Glowworm, From Glasgow to Saturn
The Sea Witch, Letters to Barnacle Zine
The Nephrite Lady, From Glasgow to Saturn
In the Gloaming, Crooked Holster
Fox Eyes, Foxes of Glasgow
Osseointegration, Toad Suck Review
available online
L’importanza di essere Oscar!, Adjacent Pineapple
Have you heard?, Quarentzine 04
Still We Spin, York St John Pollination Project
After Betty Davis, Lies, Dreaming Podcast
After Betty Davis, Transatlantic Literary Women
After Betty Davis, SWAMP Magazine
Interferometic Analaysis of a Composite Structure, specs journal
Daniel Burnham Made Plans, specs journal
causing the housing bubble, Alice Blue Review
Chinese Food, Alice Blue Review
available in print only
Asterisms, Edwin Morgan Centenary Spec Books
Moon Baby, From Glasgow to Saturn
As Easy as Sky, From Glasgow to Saturn
Now that I Have You, From Glasgow to Saturn
Danger Here, qmunicate
waiting for joy child, Eborakon
the honeymoon months, Eborakon
Ice Coffee for Esther, UnderBridgePoetry
Is That Real Fur, UnderBridgePoetry
Abackstays, From Glasgow to Saturn
Licorice Woman, From Glasgow to Saturn
11 seconds in 840 degrees, Glasgow Women Poets
Essays & Articles
Scotland's Dark & Dangerous Fairies, The Scotsman Magazine
​​The Draw of the Scottish Sea, East Lothian Magazine
'Manifold', Beginnings, Epoch Press.
Ignite Fellowship, Shortlist (2023)
The Bridge Awards Emerging Writer Award, Shortlist (2022)
First Novel Prize 2021, Shortlist (2021)
The Bridge Awards Emerging Writer Award, Shortlist, (2020)
Gillian Purvis Award for New Writing (2018)
The Walter and Anne Wyatt Memorial Prize, University of Glasgow (2016)
University of Glasgow College of Arts doctoral funding (2016 – 2019)
Workshops & Conferences
Death Writes Network, Member (2022 - 2023)
Embodying Emotions Through Poetry & Stories, The Survivor Arts Community, Book Week Scotland (2020)
Aum Breath & Healing Words Writing & Yoga Retreat, Yoga Ganesh (2020)
Bedtime Stories for Your Brain, Being Human Festival & the University of Edinburgh (2019)
Writing & Bookbinding Workshop, Uncovered Artistry, Book Week Scotland (2019)
Aye Write Festival Panel Chair, HIV Scotland (2019)
Zine Making Workshop, Glasgow Zine Library & HIV Scotland (2018)
World AIDS Day Disclosures Reading, Scottish Parliament (2018)
HIV Poetry Workshop, HIV Scotland & the University of Edinburgh (2018)
Disclosures: Rewriting the Narrative about HIV Book Launch, Book Week Scotland (2018)
Finding Meaning in Myth, Being Human Festival & the University of Glasgow (2017)
Writing Our Fears, Glasgow International Fantasy Conversations (2017)
Uncovered Voices Creative Writing Workshops & Literary Reading, Uncovered Artistry (2017)
Spaces of Belonging, Poetry Workshop for Refugees, Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities (2016)
Literature and Video Games: Beyond Stereotypes, St Andrews University, Not Geek Enough: Crafting a Ludic Novel for the Non-Credentialed Nerd (2018)
Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Glasgow College of Arts, A New Perversity: Exploring the Intersection Between Surrealism, Horror, and the Fairy Tale in the Writing of Women Surrealists (2017)
Edinburgh Fantasy and Folklore Conference, Stories of Fear: Exploring the Intersection Between Surrealism, Horror, and the Fairy Tale (2017)
Glasgow International Fantasy Conference, What is Surrealism?: Defining the Dream Through Fairy Tales and Horror (2017)
Doctorate of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, The University of Glasgow (2016 - 2020)
Challenging HIV Stigma: The Positive Stories Project, Artist in Residence, HIV Scotland (2018 – 2019)
Mapping Mixed-Initiative Creative Interfaces: How Can Humans and AI Collaborate in Creative Practice, Digital Creativity Labs Internship, University of York (2017)
Creative Conversations Intern, University of Glasgow (2016 – 2017)
Editorial Intern, Freight Books, Glasgow (2015 – 2016)
Web Editorial Intern, Today’s Chicago Woman Magazine, Chicago (2012)
Richter Research Scholar, “Sovereignty Goddesses in Beowulf,” Lake Forest College (2011)